Monday, July 9, 2018

Marginal Improvements 2

Vowing to do away with plastic cutlery, will carry my own stainless steel ones wherever possible. Will need to purchase a metal straw to go, I thought I’d not need one as I don’t drink coke and things, but even water outside at a restaurant needs a straw.

Will reattempt cold showers from today.

Deleted Facebook (my primary reddit app) app, will view Udemy instead when needing a phone “fix”.

Soccer has been going great, regular practices and matches.

Have 3 different meditation apps (lol), so between them I should be covered for a while for daily guided meditation. (annual premiums are expensive!)

Need to buck up again on workplace productivity and motivation.

Have a new awesome xps laptop to help me learn coding.

Do have a partner in crime with me on these now. Sweet Ry. :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Marginal Improvements

The 21 day challenge didn’t work out and I’m likely ruining my beautiful blog with these redundant posts that I’m posting without edits. But 2018 has been a crazy year of experiments and I want to emerge out of with, at best: improvements or at worst: data. So journaling it here online (on a blog that nobody but me reads) is key. This is my crucible to experiement with everything I read and learn.

I’m all about marginal improvements lately and out to fix every problem I have (while being thankful for those that I don’t). I want to wake up each day with motivation, energy, purpose, and joy. And a few ways to do that, I believe, are meditation, minimalism, and marginal improvements. (Yay look! I just created my own funda, the 3M! Time to write a book! ;) Sticky notes will sue me?)

The 3M are only step 1, but important. It sets the base, the fuel. The spark would then by some passion. So starting today morning, I’m going to wake up energetic, meditate, minimalize someway, and make one marginal improvement to my morning routine. This would then set the tone for the day. An easy and worthy challenge to pursue. An experiement off of my own (borrowed from the professor sages) discovery! Wuhoo!

(posted at 12am in bed before sleep)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

21 Day Go Green Challenge: Day 2

Looking good. Posted in the Booty Core community asking about adding cardio. Good responses, alternate run days or 1.5mile runs daily after 30mins exercise. Men's health mag suggested mixing it up, like with skipping ropes (link saved). Tried skipping after workout but was out of breath. Read an article earlier on being short of breath, needs more routine stair climbs and walks. Apparently even an hour's worth of daily workouts don't adequately compensate for our sedentary lifestyles. So cardio cardio all the time.

Had a light veg quesadilla dinner after (acv+water prior to workout). Ordered exercise bands and essential oils, to keep up exercise (as per Beth) and oils to try creating natural bath and beauty products at home. Cleaned face again with coconut oil+fullers earth+neem face wash. Moisturized back with coconut oil. Added to go green board: discard 2 items daily and smile more often (also Beth's suggestion!)

Study bookshelf is coming along nicely, will need to chalk a time to sit down to study. Resolving to stay home this long weekend, will work on my challenges a little deeper. Work continues to be stressful (challenging) but fun. Interacted with more people and was on the move, felt good. Will resolve to move about more often. Been engaging again on forums on social media and got reminded of them Orkut days, engaging really did get out the best of me. I haven't posted on any forum in ages (security concerns and ego) but did it on two forums today (booty core and reading raccoons). Fun engagement.

Signing out at 11.15pm. Off to bed for early start. Been a good day. :)