Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Becoming a Doer

Jumping right in. Been reading up heavily on non-fiction these past 2-3 years, to understand the world around me better, and to improve myself and my life. There's always a fear, always some hesitation, always some procrastination, between me, my actions and the feeling of living a vibrant full life!

Becoming a doer is achieving everything I think I should be, and when there's the question of what I'd do if I had absolutely no inhibitions, it'd be writing. And that's what I'm now doing. And here's where I'll track how the rest of my does go. To learn from myself, and to keep tabs on myself.

1-week Goals:
IATF Audit documentation
Bank a/cs closure
7 days of stretch and 5k steps

Location: Vacationing at home in India
Currently Reading: Stick With It, Scrum, The Talent Code, A Mind for Numbers, Sapiens. Want to pick back up The Achievement Habit.
Currently Listening: My Top 2017 Playlist on Spotify
Current Sin: Mobile Legends and my Kindle, and Boredpanda/Social Media. And some other obsessions. And sleep.