Thursday, May 15, 2008

Flash Blacks and Exam Blues

Its 3am and i'm notepadding away in my cell-phone. For sleep just doesn't seem to come to me these nights. Daytime is another name for drugged existance. Books (read: textbooks), a pretty sight, neatly stacked in my rack. Neat, for their only worldly contact is the rag used to dust them. Me? Touch,pick and read them?No no!

All semester, it has been a whacko ride rushing with assignments, seminars and submissions. A perfect schedule with perfect deadline meets and a prim know-all demeanour. Such a pride of a long awaited Renaissance! Come viva-voce, and its all smiles. Another ride with a heady start! With the same confidence that streamed all semester.

And then the post intermission blues enter the movie. Dwindling efforts in last few vivas, with a steady hattrick of them respected Profs shooing me off with a 'you-know-nothing' remark! Sigh!
Left all that to the grace of my beaming Attendance Record (Renaissance,see?) and braced the almost-much awaited PL! (Prep Leave for the uninformed.Study leave for noobs.) Awaited,yes. For the countless hours of slumber it always promises.

A week and a chapter later, i meet few classmates and proudly relate to them the 'big-chapter' i did. Swift comes the reply - "That is it??" Here shatters all that jazz.
Another week down and i groped few notes here and there. The magic 'Dwindle!' spell shoots. I decelerate and halt.

Its another week gone by and i'm still at halt. Exams a week away. My WMP plays more tracks than before. My VLC plays more SouthPark. The TV plays more cartoons et shows. All senses fixed. Books? Er, sorry?

Now playing: Opeth - Heir Apparent


Rahul Jayaraman said...

woah! really cool.. you're getting better @ this!! looking forward to reading your next blog :)

Shawn Spenstar said...

thats awesome sam
really cool